Online English Teacher

Hi, I’m Leann Rhoades.

I work with students from around the world speak more confidently and fluently with American English accent strategies. I have personal experience living abroad and learning the official language that is not my native language. I bring this understanding to my class approach for students, offering warm, supportive, and structured classes to help students reach individual goals. I am from New York and my native language is American English. I have lived in Portugal and currently reside in the Netherlands.

I hold a Master’s of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology from New York University, and I am a PESL-certified accent modification trainer (Pronouncing English as a Second Language).

My professional experience includes American English accent teaching for 5+ years, licensed speech therapist, language documentation, and linguistic sound editing with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

My Approach

Globe map

Vowel Sounds

Many language students don’t perceive vowels that don’t exist in their non-native language. For example, many students don’t hear the /æ/ sound in “bad,” therefore pronouncing it as “bed.” I will be able to quickly analyze your vowels to create lesson plans.

American English ‘T’

Comprehensive lessons are prepared for students to learn 6 different ways that “T” is pronounced in American English. The “T” in the words “center,” “eat,” “eating,” “eaten,” “truck,” and “nation” are all pronounced differently in American English, and an essential skill for advanced speakers.

Consonant sounds

Lessons are planned to work on consonant sounds early. Many students work on consonant sounds such as “th”, “r,” “ch,” “v,” and others depending on your native language and experience.


Lessons not only work on sounds in words, but strategies to “link” words together to sound more natural and fluent. For example, linking in American English makes “hide it” sound like “hi-dit”

It all begins with your communication goals. Maybe you want to speak confidently in English for travel, business presentations, or with work colleagues. Or maybe you plan to relocate to the United States. Or you speak some English learned in primary school, and you just want to improve your skills. Whatever it is, accent classes can help you with your communication goals in a fun and supportive environment!

Syllable Stress

Syllable stress is crucial for pronunciation, such as in the work “record”- with syllable stress changing if it is a noun or verb. Syllable stress is practiced and continually monitored.

Other Strategies…

Why is the word “client” pronounced as “cliyent” with a “y” sound?

Why is the letter “O” pronounced as so many different vowel sounds?

These, and many other strategies, are covered in accent classes.

Vowel Reduction

A favorite topic for advanced English speakers, learning how vowel sounds change in words. Why is the word “bacon” not pronounced with “on,” but sounds like “BAKE-in”? Vowel reduction is taught through materials organized by sound patterns.

From Small to Big…

New material is always presented in the beginning with a simple format in single words. Conversation or reading practice is always incorporated, with professional accent feedback on the new skills.